0409 253 277
Suite 19, 6a Prosperity Place
Warriewood, 2102 NSW
The term ‘Black Dog’ or ‘Dark Cloud,’ is now commonly known to describe that flat, pervasive, sadness or empty feeling that follows you everywhere you go.
Depression however is not temporary or just a bad day, it is an oppressive and relentless feeling of sadness, hopelessness and despair.
The severity of this expression varies from person to person and does not discrimiate.
Overall in Australia, some one five people, including 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men will experience depression at some stage of their lives.
It arrives without invitation and can happen to anyone at any stage of life.
Signs of depression include:
Research has shown that certain personality traits predispose one to developing depression.
These include:
How Counselling can help you when you are depressed..
When we feel depressed we often feel that no one else understands what we are going through. And it is not unusual to feel embarrassed or ashamed about what we are experiencing.
Seeing a counsellor can help greatly because we try to assist you understand what your reality is without any judgement.
Counselling addresses the psychological and also the psycho-social aspects of your depression, which is very important for a person’s recovery.
Counselling identifies and helps you understand the emotions, behaviours and thinking that contribute to depression.
Locating the life problems or events that sit behind it allows us to solve, improve and heal.
Negative self-beliefs and attitudes often contribute significantly towards depression, and counseling looks at ways of reorganizing such ways of thinking that may be faulty and unhelpful.
Additionally, you will learn problem-solving skills and coping strategies that will sustain you and prevent relapse.
Counselling helps you regain a sense of control and to start to seek pleasure in your life.
There are many benefits of discussing your depression with a counsellor, including: